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World's largest 400+ integrated tests and inventory library
Digital recruitment solution
Automatic screening feature eliminates manual tasks
Candidate application management, assessments, and video interview processes in the cloud
Digitizing the recruitment processes with Analyse is the best way to enhance the candidate experience.
Make your hiring processes unique with completely flexible process setup. Put an end to manual tasks using automatic screening feature, set your ideal candidate criteria and let automation work its magic
Create application pages that make it easy to apply, highlighting your employer brand, using automatically generated content.
Create career pages with all your job openings.
Easily determine the candidates most suitable for the position using automatically calculated fit score provided by Analyse.
Mobile Phones
Do you have questions about the solutions, products and services offered by Logo Yazılım? Here you can find answers to our most frequently asked questions.
No, no installation is required to use Analyze.Analyze is a cloud-based service, it does not require any software or hardware installation.
After mutually signing the Service Purchase Agreement, your account will be opened on the same day with the account name, URL information, language option and logo you send.You can access and start using your account from anywhere with internet access by logging in with the e-mail address and password assigned to you or defined in the system.
Cloud software service (SaaS) cloud providers install and operate application software in the cloud, and cloud users access the software from cloud service recipients.Peoplise also offers a cloud-based software service.You can just run it on the browser without having to download any program to your computer.
The information you keep on Analyze is kept on Microsoft Azure servers that are not affected by physical conditions and is backed up at regular intervals.You can access your account and the information in your account at any time from anywhere with an internet connection.
Analyse is not a career site where job postings are shared, but you can apply and find the job you are looking for through the microsites created by our users.
There is no website with open postings for all our customers who use Analyse, but you may come across these postings on social media or on companies' own career sites and pages.You can see microsites prepared with Peoplise on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn and apply to the job postings that suit you.
Analyze services are normally available with an annual purchase.You can use our software services by signing a four-month Software Service Agreement according to your estimated usage amount for your MT, internship or other mass recruitment positions.
As a system user, you can use user screens in Turkish and English.You can reach more candidates with 15 different language options on candidate screens.